State Charter School focused on Language Immersion
International Baccalaureate World School for the PYP & MYP

Nurturing students to become compassionate, lifelong learners
ACADEMIC DAY HOURS: Lower Campus - 7:40 a.m.-2:20 p.m.
Upper Campus - 7:25 a.m.-2:40 p.m.
Both campuses dismiss one hour early on Wednesdays.

Title I Parent Page
This page is designed to provide information and resources for families of ICSAtlanta students who receive EIP or REP services. ICSAtlanta utilizes Title I-A federal funds to provide "targeted assistance" to students in ELA and/or math in order to help ensure their academic achievement. For questions about Title I-A, please contact Christen Ramo, Federal Grants Manager at
Annual Title I Parent Meeting
The Annual Title I Parent Meeting was held on Thursday, October 10th at 5:00PM via Zoom link. We learned about Title I-A, how ICSAtlanta uses the federal Title I funds it receives, the Family Engagement Policy, and the Title I School-Parent Compact (Presentation linked HERE).
Our Resources and Input Title I Parent Input Meeting will be held on Monday, February 3rd at 5:00PM and via Zoom link (Meeting ID: 867 4639 8555, Passcode: title)
Important Feedback Opportunities Here!
School Parent and Family Engagement Feedback Survey If you would like to give feedback on the School-Parent Compact, please complete this survey.
Give your feedback on Title I-A here! Please complete this survey and give your feedback on ICSAtlanta's use of Title I-A funds, building staff school capacity, and ICSAtlanta's School Parent and Family Compact.
Parent Resources
We hope that these resources will help YOU help your child to be successful at school and in life!
Georgia Department of Education Standards and related resources
Georgia Virtual Learning resources - FREE resources for middle school students
GaDOE Video: A Guide for Families on Kindergarten Transition
GaDOE Video: Middle School - Becoming Involved in My Child's Education
GaDOE Video: Middle School - Developmental Growth
GaDOE: the Every Student Succeeds Act in Georgia